Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2017

Allele definition

Allele definition

: either of a pair of alternative Mendelian characters (as smooth and wrinkled seed in). Alleles are dominant or recessive, meaning: the characteristic. Dominant allele - an allele that produces the same phenotype whether its paired allele is identical or different. Dominant allele - definition of dominant allele by The Free Dictionary Noun, 1. Allele - Dictionary Definition : m An allele is one of a pair of genes that appear at a particular location on a particular chromosome and control the same characteristic, such as blood type or.

Was Allele sind und wozu diese dienen, wird in diesem Artikel behandelt, der zu unserem Bereich der Biologie bzw. Allele Define Allele at m Allele definition, any of several forms of a gene, usually arising through mutation, that are responsible for hereditary variation. Allele - A Genetics Definition Nov 2015.

BBC - GCSE Bitesize: Alleles The gene for eye colour has an allele for blue eye colour and an allele for brown eye colour.

Allele - Wiktionary

Allele - , the free encyclopedia

Allele bezeichnen die verschiedene Ausprägungsformen eines Gens. Recessive allele - an allele that produces its characteristic phenotype only when its paired allele is identical. Liegen zwei gleiche Allele vor, ist der Organismus für dieses Gen homozygot.

Allele - Biology-Online Dictionary Jun 1 2008. Allele - , the free encyclopedia It derives from the Greek prefix, allel, meaning reciprocal or each other, which itself is related to the Greek adjective (allos cognate with Latin). Recessive allele - definition of recessive allele by The Free Dictionary Noun, 1. Allele dictionary definition allele defined The definition of alleles are pairs or series of genes on a chromosome that determine the hereditary characteristics. Allele definition of allele by Medical dictionary one of two or more alternative forms of a gene at the same site in a chromosome, which determine alternative characters in inheritance.

Nach dieser molekularen Definition ist für jedes Gen eine enorme Vielzahl von). Allele - Glossary Entry - Genetics Home Reference Feb 2 2016. Allele - Wiktionary From German Allel, shortened from Allelomorph, from English allelomorph. Definition: An allele is an alternative form of a gene (one member of a pair) that is located at a specific position on a specific chromosome.
Allele Definition of Allele by Merriam-Webster : any of the alternative forms of a gene that may occur at a given locus.

Some genes have a variety of different forms, which are located at the same position, or genetic locus, on a chromosome. Allele Learn Science at Scitable An allele is a variant form of a gene. One member of a pair (or any of the series) of genes occupying a specific spot on a chromosome. German Allel, short for Allelomorph, allelomorph, from. Definition froGeneReviews This link leads to a site outside Genetics Home.

Allele - definition of allele by The Free Dictionary Any of the alternative forms of a gene or other homologous DNA sequence. An allele is one of two or more versions of a gene.

Allele - A Genetics Definition

An example of an allele is the gene that. Ultimately from the Ancient Greek prefix - (alll-) from (llos, other ). Allle : Dfinition simple et facile du dictionnaire Allle : dfinition, synonymes, citations, traduction dans le dictionnaire de la langue franaise. Allel - Lexikon der Biologie Allele sind Zustandsformen von Genen (Gen die durch Mutation ineinander.

Alllon einander, gegenseitig) bezeichnet man die alternativen Formen eines Gens. (mM) to inhibit non specific binding and at higher.

Recessive allele - definition of recessive allele by The Free Dictionary

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